Pennichuck Watershed Restoration Plan - Surface and Groundwater Monitoring

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CEI developed a long-term monitoring program as part of the Watershed Restoration Plan efforts for the Pennichuck Watershed. The monitoring program includes:

  1. Use of data loggers for collection of real-time flow data from the nine major tributaries to the Pennichuck ponds system;
  2. Collection of wet and dry weather samples from the nine major tributaries;
  3. Collection of in-pond water quality samples and vertical pond profiles.

CEI has performed the tributary and groundwater sampling annually since 2015 and prepares an annual report that evaluates the data graphically, comparing it to identified benchmarks, drawing correlations between water quality parameters, seasons and individual sampling locations. The data is collected to provide a baseline for overall health of the watershed and water supply over time and to track trends associated with changes in the watershed.