Nashua River TMDL Implementation Phosphorus Modeling

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CEI developed a watershed model to calculate pollutant loads for the Town of Clinton, MA to develop a Phosphorus Control Plan in response to a phosphorus TMDL for the Nashua River. The plan outlined the phosphorus loads to the waterbody, required reductions, and proposed structural and non-structural controls to meet load reductions. Utilizing watershed land use, impervious area, soils, and other data layers, baseline phosphorus loads were calculated using a CEI-developed stormwater model created in GIS. The model was created in Model Builder within ArcGIS 10.1 and used to delineate contributing land areas and assign the phosphorus export rates previously identified. The output was a database that contained total phosphorus loads which could be sorted by catchment area and/or land use type. This CEI-created watershed model to calculate pollutant loads has been used in other recent projects.