Drainage channel & culvert assessment and maintenance program

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Project Description

Manchester, NH has many open drainage channels that may require maintenance due to over-vegetation and/or siltation, however, the presence of extensive ditches and channels throughout the City means that a prioritization methodology is needed in order to determine which areas need maintenance now and what can wait until later. In cooperation with Manchester, CEI is developing a drainage channel maintenance program that includes a maintenance schedule based on priority. The program includes identification of drainage channels using available GIS data, review of each channel in the field, identification of maintenance and permitting requirements, and prioritization for maintenance purposes. Results are documented on an iPad that integrates directly with the City’s GIS system. 

City-Wide Culvert Assessment

Manchester is also in the process of assessing stream crossing culverts 48-inches or larger in diameter within City limits to ensure existing conditions provide safe and reliable passage to both the public and flood waters, estimated at approximately 100 locations. The program will include identification of culverts through GIS mapping and field investigation, assessment of culvert structural condition in the field, identification of repair, replacement and maintenance requirements and development of a GIS database of assessments. Similar to the drainage channel program, results are documented on an iPad using CEI’s custom-developed software that integrates directly with the City’s GIS system.