Culvert and Ditch Maintenance Prioritization

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Culvert Replacement

CEI is assisting the Town of Hadley, MA with inspecting priority culverts throughout the town in order to identify those that required upgrades and replacement. CEI divided the culverts into varying condition based on attention needed and then provided recommendations and next steps for all culverts identified as being in poor or critical condition. The Town is now exploring funding opportunities to upgrade culverts most in need. Future years will continue to inspect additional culverts with a goal of developing a comprehensive culvert capital improvement program to address culvert replacement as part of ongoing maintenance infrastructure upgrades. 

Ditch Maintenance

CEI also completed a comprehensive inspection of approximately 10 miles of drainage ditches and culverts throughout Hadley in order to identify areas in need of maintenance and cleaning to maintain proper functionality and prevent flooding. CEI then completed a recommendations report that in part outlined maintenance needs, permitting requirements, and next steps for completion. CEI then worked with the Town of Hadley Conservation Commission to permit maintenance on ditches throughout the required areas. The Town is now actively working to carry out the recommended maintenance activities. CEI will also be expanding this project from its previously limited area to a town wide project.